Saturday, December 10, 2022

Nobody Was Injured in the Making of This Video


Standing next to a furnace of melted glass at 2,100 degrees was more than warm enough on a chilly day as our team from work got our introduction to this fascinating art. I teach phone-based video shooting and editing and enjoy making little projects like this. If you get the chance, GRT Hot Glass Studios in Indy is a fun place.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Happy Places

I woke up one morning in Monument Valley and took this photo of the sunrise. Took the image to a printer and made a nice big copy for the wall in my room. Makes me happy to linger on that moment.

Looking for places to fly

I've had fun riding out into the country on my motorcycle and finding interesting places for aerial videography. I got my FAA commercial drone license a few years ago and use these trips for practice--and peaceful outings away from the city. I'm a former student pilot and this piece really gives the feel of what it's like to soar over the landscape and then dip down for a closer look.  


My family lives on a mountain in Tennessee, and I did this piece about my sister's garden. I liked using the high-angle view from the drone sparingly, but to pretty good effect.